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darth-fader.js adds a customizable onfade event to any specified <input type=range> element in a page; listen for and handle the event like any other

include the script, then add a stop-point list of fade arrays in a data-param, and listen for the default fade event; the following is a simple example
<script src="darth-fader.js"></script>

<div id="sampleDiv"></div>

<input id="fader0" type="range" data-fade="
    color : [
        'rgb(255, 255,   0)', 0,
        'rgb(255,   0,   0)', 0.25,
        'rgb(255, 255, 255)', 0.50,
        'rgb(  0, 255, 255)', 0.75,
        'rgb(255,   0, 255)', 1
    size : [
        ' 20px',    0,
        '100px',    0.5,
        '380px',    1


    (e, vals=e.detail) => {
       = vals.color; = vals.size;


the event.detail of the fade event contains a property for every listed fade in that input element - for example, if you create a fade called 'height' you would access the current interpolated value from the handler's event.detail.height property

each <input> element contains a list of arrays to fade through; they are specified as a name for that array, followed by a colon, then an array in hard-brackets; the array consists of string-percent pairs: a string for the desired value, and a float percent as the stop-point for that value

name : ['value', %, 'value', %, ... ]

values are entered as a string in single quotes - any numbers will be extracted from the string and converted to actual numbers - separate arrays with a comma

every fade added to the input's param also creates an <input type="hidden"> element that will get submitted with the form - the hidden input will be assigned an id that is the darth-fader input's id, combined by an underscore to the fade's name

in the above example, fader0 created two hidden inputs, one named fader0_color and another with the id fader0_size; besides being submitted with any form, the current value of a fade can also be accessed from the darth-fader's hidden inputs

how do you feel about question one?
what about question two?
think about question three...

[[form results]]
there are many different options which may be configured - darth-fader.js itself has defaults that may be overwritten by the script tag's data-param; any options may also be specified by the individual darth-fader's data-param

let's take a look at an example of that

    options in the script tag data-parameter
    become defaults for all darth-fader elements
    here they are being set to what the default
    values would be anyway, just so that you
    can see what those values are

<script src="darth-fader.js" data-fade="

    selector    : 'fade',
    eventName   : 'fade',
    thumb       : false,
    snap        : false,
    steps       : false,
    fix         : false,
    ignore      : false

    options can be overwritten in the element

<input id="faderX" type="range"
    price  : ['$200', 0, '$1800', 1],
    colors : [
        'rgb(200, 100,   0)', 0,
        'rgb(225, 175,   0)', 0.25,
        'rgb(255, 255, 255)', 0.5,
        'rgb(200,   0, 200)', 0.75,
        'rgb(100,   0, 100)', 1

    eventName   : 'faderXevent',
    thumb       : 'colors',
    fix         : 2

alright, this will fade between several different colors, aswell as between the prices of two hundred dollars and eighteen hundred dollars - but what do all of these options mean?

darth-fader.js will do anything in his power to find values and extrapolate between them

it should be, therefore, possible to fade gradually through sentences ...

[[see my weightloss goals]]

and, ofcourse, this makes strings like the d attribute of an svg path element something that can be easily faded, producing a morph

there is a minified version that, for now, is just automatically minified by an online minifier - eventually, there ought to be a more terse version, intentionally designed to be as small as possible

if you are happy with the defaults, you can simply include the darth-fader.js script, label any inputs with a data-fade or data-fade-opts parameter, and write handlers for the fade event

<script src="darth-fader.js"></script>

<input data-fade-opts="thumb:true,steps:5">

darth-fader.js will look for any <input> that has either data-fade or data-fade-opts; if the only information given is the thumb:true option, the script automatically creates a thumb-coloring slider

What do you think about my alternative view?
