make a circular motion, while touching or pressing, on the image above

clockwizz.js adds a clockwise motion event to any of the specified elements in a page; listen for, and handle them, in the same way you would any event.

include the script, along with any optional parameters in a data-param; the following example lists all default values
<script src="clockwizz.js"
    "selector"       : "wizz"
    "minimim"        :  5
    "preventDefault" :  true

<div id="sampleDiv" data-wizz>
    clockwise motions on this div
    will generate events


        e => {
            // handle clockwise motion using
            // e.detail.dir
            // for the direction of the turn
            // e.detail.mag
            // for the magnitude of the turn
            // e.detail.ref
            // for reference to the event

what do all of these things mean?
you can see more demonstrations with decryptive code if you want to

typically, a mouse-down or touch-start interaction is most useful, but if you are happy with the defaults, and you don't mind handling all the events and propagations yourself, there is a much smaller nano~fied version that will probably do everything you'd want - that is to say, if you are ok with... then you can use this version, which has been not simply compressed, but intentionally nano~fied into the smallest possible file that still provides all the functionality necessary for clock-wizz detection

this example uses wizznano.js to respond to motion whenever the mouse is over the element

wizznano objects must be activated by dispatching a custom event called able-wizz and sending some boolean true, or false, in the event's detail; this is what a simplementation might look like that activated and de-activated on double-clicks

<script defer src="wizznano.js"></script>

<div id="nano" data-wizz> ... </div>


        (e, vals=e.detail) => {
            // vals.dir is the direction
            // vals.mag is the magnitude
            // suppress defaults
    let toggle = false;
    nano.addEventListener('dblclick', e => {
        nano.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
